Thursday, April 4, 2013

Wednesday, April 3rd - Fanno Creek Greenway Trail

Bonus walk today! Our friend Shannon had a little time this morning – not much, so we picked the last of our close-in walks, starting at the Tigard Clean Water building and across the river to Tualatin City Park and back. The path makes a big loop around an old cow pasture which is now a protected wetlands, goes through the butterfly garden in Cook Park and across the pedestrian bridge to Tualatin Park. We had done the Cook Park-to-Tualatin portion of this walk several times when we started walking last fall but stopped when we found ourselves defaulting to this as an easy out when we didn't really feel like walking. We'd never started at the top, though, and had no idea that there was a way through to the park from the end of that street.

It was so nice to have Shannon with us today. We talked about all of our kids (we have 11 between us, so there's a lot to talk about) and got to hear all of the news from the elementary school. Katje and I used to be really involved until we “graduated out” when the girls moved up to middle school, so it was nice to hear about how things have been going and feel like we were back in the loop.

We had to speed up considerably on the way back, because Shannon had to be at school to help in her youngest daughter's classroom and it had taken us a little longer than expected. Probably because we were so busy talking... We got her back to school (only 3 minutes late), which means that we drove there, walked 2.8 miles and drove back in just about an hour. Not too bad!

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