Wednesday, January 2, 2013

September - December 2012

Just to catch everyone up... We started walking on September 10th 2012, just after the kids went back to school.  That first walk was not too long and not too fast, and we spent more time standing down at the end of my street talking than we did on the walk itself.  We learned from that, though - now if we're not finished talking we go another block or two (or three or ten - we have a lot to talk about). 

Since then we have walked the Fanno Creek Trail, the trail from Cook Park to Tualatin Community Park (it sounds so impressive to say we've walked from Tigard to Tualatin, but it's really only a couple miles out and back), the inside of the mall and the Tualatin Hills Nature Park, which is a beautiful wild area right in Beaverton that feels a lot farther from town than it actually is.  Just be careful of the wooden pathways - they can get extremely slick and are often marked on only one side -  usually the side opposite where you're walking.  It's not very helpful to fall on your backside and look back to see that the walkway was, after all, slippery.  My tailbone already figured that out, thank you!  We also walked the track at a local school once but I don't recommend it.  It feels too much like exercise.

It hasn't always been on Mondays and sometimes it's been just a quick tour of the neighborhood, but we have walked every single week since September except two.  Halloween week we were busy setting up Katje's haunted house and Christmas Eve we spent with family.  All in all though, I think we've done better than I expected. 

We ended the year with a very ambitious walk which deserves its own post, so stay tuned!

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