Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year, New Walks

We are two friends (Julie and Katje) who decided this past September to get out once a week and walk together. Up until now, our time was always divided between volunteer work, Girl Scouts and our own families (we each have 3 kids ranging in age from 11-19). With both of our youngest ones in middle school this year, it seemed like the perfect time to do it.

So why a start a blog about 2 women walking? Our walking was and is about us getting together, going for a walk, catching up on each others' lives, and most importantly, doing something for us. However, we wanted something more than just our area, so we picked up a few Portland area walking books and started to expand beyond our own neighborhood, setting a goal to walk every trail, map, and course in the books we have (will expand to new books as we finish these). While walking different trails these past weeks, we discovered the book didn't always have all the information we needed (hiking books, not tennis shoes or clear directions how to get there). We jokingly said, we should write a book for people who are just starting out walking and give a "novice" perspective on these trails. So, long story short, we now have a blog (which seems so much easier than writing a whole book).

Neither of us is very athletic, we don't own any expensive excercise shoes, clothes or equipment, but we do have a love of the outdoors and enjoy the time we spend walking around Portland.

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